- Teacher: Ruth S. Sta. Romana
The book is a worktext series that seeks to mold young people in the essential values that will help build their character toward becoming active contributors to nation-building. The series is based on DepEd’s K to 12 Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao Curriculum including additional topics that will further enhance their formation program. The book follows the process of going through the five macro skills: Understanding, reflecting, consulting, decision making and performing/acting.
- Teacher: Ruth S. Sta. Romana
- Teacher: Ruth S. Sta. Romana
- Teacher: Jacquelyn A. Dominguez
- Teacher: Ruth S. Sta. Romana
This textbook is based on the design of the K to 12 MAPEH curriculum, which has the spiral progression of processes, concepts, and skills. It is also grounded in performance-based learning. In addition, this worktext is strongly anchored on the combined, sound, conceptual frameworks of Differentiated Instruction and Differentiated Assessments. It is divided into four content areas of the subject: Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health Education.
- Teacher: Ruth S. Sta. Romana
The book provides guided exercises to help the pupil acquire the essentials that are, the basic concepts or skills. The routine task is contained in this part of the lessons until pupil is to develop confidence in tackling problems or situations related to the concept. Through well-selected exercises and problems, the pupils are expected to deepen their knowledge of the essentials. Drills and practice.
- Teacher: Maria Cristina I. Romero
The Science Quest Series is designed to help pupils acquire scientific knowledge and understanding, and develop skills, values, and attitudes through inquiry-based learning.
- Teacher: Jacquelyn A. Dominguez
It is a Social Studies worktext series written to help our children become patriotic, productive, and committed citizens who will serve their fellowmen, their country, and God. Each lesson in the book is designed to help them appreciate Filipino culture better and develop a deep sense of nationalism. The three dimensions of Filipinism- national identity, national unity, and national loyalty-are emphasized in the series. All textbooks adhere to the required learning competencies in the K to 12 Curriculum.
- Teacher: Maria Cristina I. Romero